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Our Contributions

  • Differ legal service team give a lecture for hope primary school students 2016-11
    On 27 October, the legal department of Differ Group went to Differ Hope Primary School to give a lecture on law and order. We focused on the importance in the prevention of crime by minors and the need for self-protection . We appreciated that the standard for the subject of law and ord...
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  • Differ Group bring lots of gifts for hope primary students to celebrating the Children's Day 2016-06
    Our team brought gifts and, sweets and books to students on Differ Hope Primary School students on Children’s Day. The school locates 492km away from Xiamen.6月1日下午,伴随着庄严的少先队队歌,PG电子游戏希望小学一年级的同学们,带上鲜艳的红领巾,光荣地加入少年先锋队,同时,学校也表彰了在这一年中,有着优...
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  • Groundbreaking Ceremony for Differ Hope Primary School 2016-03
    In the afternoon of 22 March 2016, a groundbreaking ceremony for Differ Primary School was help. It was attended by a number of high ranking local officials and representatives of Differ Group and all the member of staff of the School.The only campus building of the School currently hosted 106 st...
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  • Differ Group involvement in local charity work 2016-02
    In the afternoon of 3rd Feb, Differ Group was involved in a charity event organized by XiaGang Family Service Centre. Differ Group, along with another 20 companies and organisations donated over 1000 lunches and dinners for the local community.Differ Group has been an active participant of this e...
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  • Differ Group actively participates in the “Beautiful Xiamen, Joint Creation” event 2014-07
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